
Bringing you the Truth since 1998..

WoW! 20 +  years ago our first site was loaded to this domain. Containing tons of important information, documentation, as well as humour! Not mobile friendly but still available to access from links below along with second version from around 2008. With many of the external videos and links now unavailable you will see how the truth is slowly being stripped away. Many more have woken up since those early days however the purge continues and content makers face even greater threats of being de-listed and removed from major platforms. 2019 sees our latest upgrade and maybe the last? This world has truly gone nuts as the battle intensifies but ignoring the madness will not save you. We will be loading up links to great truthers from around the world and maintaining links to their platforms for subscribers. The only way to put an end to this is for us all to work together and help others understand, as anyone that has studied for a while will realise by now this is a spiritual war. And its your spirit that's being crushed!

We do not endorse all channels or content linked from here and leave that up to your judgment as to whether you subscribe or follow. We will only remove a link if they are promoting violence. Contact us with a reason and video link? We will take a look, however if your a brainwashed, Marxist, lefty snowflake you may be wasting your time with it better spent finding one of many decent channels on here and learning fast!

  • We look forward to the support of subscribers and helping them keep links live to their great work and research.
  • Please support them - We have some good stuff coming your way soon. Bookmark and stay tuned.

For those woken or awakening!

  • Smash your TV.
  • Learn as much as you can from local and International Channels.
  • Find people locally to meet up with.
  • Take an interest in local issues and understand why your so called leaders are pushing the change/agenda.
  • Your just as intelligent as any one else - and not alone!.
  • As they lied to US on just about everything... However deep down, you know the TRUTH.

Featured Video From the Past

2007 Film Clip - Don't Talk about the Weather - Featuring Alan Watt

Featured Video For the Future

Alex Jones - David Icke 19/8/2020

Truth Quote

Replace this truth quote with your ad with link to your site.  Contact for details.


Centre for Countering Bull Shit