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Mr Chad returns once again to
defend Britain

W  O  T   M  O  R  E   W  A  R

Mr. Chad is proud to come out of retirement
and serve his country once again .

Mr. Chad thought he could put on his slippers

Light his pipe sit in his rocking chair and

Take life easy – having served GREAT BRITAIN

In the great war against EUropean Union from

            1939 – 1946.

The immediate problem is for Mr. Chad to help solve

The symptoms of the disease of EU & the MAFF

Slaughter of animals using the excuse of F&M.

Mr. Chad is convinced from all he has heard that

F&M is just the symptom being used as an EXCUSE

for the EU to slaughter over 10,000,000 animals so far.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist
