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Mr Chad returns once again to
defend Britain

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          Mr Chad's latest News


W O T   C R A S W I T   J O N E S 

MrCHAD’s well informed friends all know

Carwyn Jones, The chap in the National Ass

For Wales responsible for agriculture,

Knows next best to NOTHING about rural life

& even less about F&M.

He is nothing more than part of the Disease that is killing animals

because F&M rarely kills animals!!!

To let the sad and rather pathetic Mr Jones know what YOU think

Here are his contact details:

Tel: 0292 – 089 8301  Fax: 0292 – 8302

‘e’Mail: Carwyn.Jones@Wales.gov.UK

His Constituency Office is:

47 Nolton Street, Bridgend, CF31 3AA

Tel:  0165 – 666 4320 

Fax: 0165 – 666 9349

MrCHAD hopes this helps you exercise YOUR democratic right

To express your opinion on HIS handling of F&M in Wales!

You might like to go to Brecon Barracks at 1300hrs. on Thursday

& tell him to his face, or perhaps visit his home after work one night.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


W O T  -  A   P A T R I O T ? 

MrCHAD abhors Petty Nationalism, Regionalism & Xenophobia

MrCHAD abhors Little Englanders, Insular Scots &

Petty Little Introspective Welsh With Chips On Their

Shoulder, Displaying Their Insecurity.

 MrCHAD is Proud To Be A Patriot, A Citizen Of Britain

& A Subject of OUR Monarch, Subject To BRITISH Common Law,

The British Constitution and Westminster Government.

MrCHAD TOTALLY Rejects The EU’s Corrupt Concept of

‘Corpus Juris’ and EU Law  MrCHAD supports Justice NOT Law.

 MrCHAD Reminds The BRITISH Police They Are The Servants

Of The Crown and THE PEOPLE They Are NOT

The Enforcers For The Illegitimate State!

 MrCHAD TOTALLY Rejects Membership of The Corrupt,

Profligate, Un Democratic European Union which in its

50 Years of Existence Has Not One Single Achievement

MrCHAD would be Proud To Be Associated With.

 MrCHAD is Proud to Offer Help To ALL Patriots

Whatever Their Nationality, To Support Their Freedoms

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



 MrCHAD has noted:

Lord Christopher Haskins has given the Labour Party £5,000 a year since 1992

(with an extra £14,000 in 1997).

 He was knighted [shouldn’t that read ‘benighted’?] by Tiny Blur in 1998.

 He is Chairman of the Government's Better Regulation Task Force and a member of the New Deal Task Force.

Now charged with rural affairs about which he has already proved he knows nothing!

 Boss of Northern Foods, as a result of marrying the boss’s daughter,

he has presided over the steady decline of their shares ever since he has been involved with Tiny Blur.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


W O T   M O R E   B L O O D   T R A N S F E R S 

MrCHAD has heard from a friend that DEFRA are blood testing stock in the Wooton Basset,

Calne area in Wiltshire. MrCHAD’s friend was chatting to a German vet who said that there was

going to be an outbreak of FMD in the area on the 24 September.

 MrCHAD’s friend wanted some hay from a neighbour. He said she can have as much as

she wants because apparently there won't be any stock left in the area soon!

 MrCHAD hopes his friend is wrong but based on experience since February

and the constant outpouring of lies from the NFU, MAFF/DEFRA, the government

and the EU’s puppets like Tiny Blur & Nick Brown etc.

 MrCHAD felt you should be warned.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


W O T   A   B R A V E   A R M Y 

MrCHAD has been listening around the barracks and the messes of the brave military. 

MrCHAD was impressed at the bravery displayed by the army in their arduous and dangerous role herding up and gathering sheep. This is of course just the sort of task the modern army has Millions of pounds spent on it for training and equipment in Tiny Blur’s cool Britannia. 

Having bravely surrounded and outwitted the sheep on The Sugarloaf at Abergavenny and organized trucking them off for needless slaughter the army is on the move and we can expect them, or so MrCHAD has heard, in the Blackwood area bravely and efficiently herding sheep to their death very soon. 

Tiny Blur’s cool Britannia has turned our once excellent army into a brave force of butcher’s assistants and lamb massacre specialists in defence of the realm!!! 

MrCHAD wonders which task Tiny Blur will use them for next: beating piglets to death with shovels? Taking pot shots at healthy docile cows? Well he has had them participating in his war crimes in Kosovo and running soup kitchens in former Yugoslavia and East Timor, not to mention giving safe escort for the release of mass murderers, gangsters and terrorists in Northern Ireland. 

MrCHAD wonders what ignominy Tiny Blur will heap on our ONCE proud army in his gadarene rush to surrender Britain to Foreign rule by the Dictator Committee of the EU in their pursuit of the globalist corporate nightmare of The New World Order. 

Can you HELP MrCHAD to distribute Help Packs: 

simple easy and uncluttered to USE
comprehensive and informative - 1,000s of pages
Join in a discussion and information exchange by sending a blank ‘e’mail to:

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



W O T   H E R E   W E   G O   F O R   M O R E
D E F R A   I N S P I R E D   M A D N E S S

A DEFRA contact of MrCHAD’s in London says there is panic over 10 new cases yesterday - people who were going to be taken off F&M likely to be kept on. CVO called for all available vets to be sent to Thirks in the next 24 hours. 

Let’s all hope MrCHAD’s informant is WRONG but lets be prepared and make sure the remaining farmers have Help Packs which are downloadable from:


MrCHAD thanks anyone who can help his friends on GroundForce to distribute Help Packs to farmers with livestock NATIONWIDE. 

To Join MrCHAD’s friends on The GroundForce Team just send a blank ‘e’mail to:GroundForce-Subscribe@smartgroups.com 

FMD is a POLITICAL disease and could strike anywhere, in fact it probably will

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



W O T   M O R E   D I O X I N

 MrCHAD’s friend Kilroy phoned on his mobile today from the ring road around Daventry in Northamptonshire today.

 Artic loads of railway sleepers have been seen traveling on the ring road – can anyone let MrCHAD know where they were heading so that we can all try to avoid the massive Dioxin fall out when they burn them and avoid the risk of being exposed to BSE prions if DEFRA are burning cattle to fulfill the quota of destruction for the EU.

 Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



W O T   O F F   T O   A N G L E S E A

 MrCHAD has heard from UNCONFIRMED sources that there is likely to be more DEFRA mayhem and massacre in Anglesea later this week.

 Let’s all hope MrCHAD’s informant is WRONG but lets be prepared and make sure the remaining farmers have Help Packs which are downloadable from:

MrCHAD thanks anyone who can help his friends on GroundForce to distribute Help Packs to farmers with livestock NATIONWIDE.

 FMD is a POLITICAL disease and could strike anywhere, in fact it probably will.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



W O T    T O X I C 

MrCHAD’s friend wrote a long set of instructions of what to do with the ash from a burn pyre about two months ago, because it was a Toxic Waste.

 The Government & MAFF LIED they said it wasn’t – go back and read that ‘e’mail again!!!
It is posted on www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootInMouth 

Because The Ash >From A Burn Pyre IS A TOXIC WASTE. 

That is why MrCHAD has been told, by another friend, that in St. Braivels in The Forest of Dean they are NOW digging up the buried ash from the burn pyre. 

IF you have burn pyre residue near you – contact YOUR environmental health department AND your MP AND your local media and INSIST this Toxic Waste is removed and safely disposed of.

 Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


W O T   A   D A Y   O U T 

MrCHAD TOTALLY supports the Wolverhampton Offensive. 

MrCHAD is giving his full support to the meeting in Wolverhampton on Sunday and hopes that YOU will ALL take him with YOU in the back windscreens of your vehicle to the meeting on Sunday. 

MrCHAD would like to remind you that the meeting is:


At:                   14.30hrs.

On:                  Sunday July 1st.

Venue:            The BRITANNIA HOTEL


MrCHAD hopes you will arrive a little early with all your friends but would ask you to let his friend Tony York know howmany friends you will be bringing to make sure there is space in the room for YOU. 

To contact Tony YORK

Phone:            01938 - 554 305

‘e’Mail:          tonyyork@pigparadise.com 

MrCHAD has provided an Art Gallery of suitable posters for YOU to download and print, to put in YOUR car, the web address for these is below. 

When you see MrCHAD in another vehicle PLEEEEZ honk your horn – you are amongst friends! 

Seismographs all over Britain should register this steadily increasing cacophony of sound as the number of greetings MrCHAD makes to his friends in other vehicles increases the closer he gets to the centre of Wolverhampton. 

Posters to print at




Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


W O T   D E F R A

MrCHAD thinks DEFRA probably stands for: 

Department of


Financing the

Ruining of


MrCHAD accuses Tony Blair, his Government, DEFRA & The NFU of

Dishonestly, duplicitously and disasterously

Commiting a treacherous and treasonous betrayal of

Britain, the British peoples & The British Livestock Industry 

AGAINST the best interests of Britain and the British peoples

FOR and on behalf of a Foreign and Alien Power. 

MrCHAD understands that TREASON is the Crime of acting on

Behalf of another Country or Foreign Power

AGAINST the interests of Britain or The British Peoples.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


Mr CHAD HAS A PHONE CULL (sorry call)

MrCHAD heard this morning of pub landlord in Brecon area a few weeks ago

saw long line of lorries on MoD land near Brecon - full of live sheep.

Some of the lorries from Carlisle area - sheep were shot on site and buried.  

Perhaps this is old hat – But MrCHAD might have missed it.

MrCHAD’s source of information is checking with his mate about whether

he is prepared to be named.

He is calling MrCHAD back shortly.   

If this is out of date information please let MrCHAD know and he will waste no more time.  

However MrCHAD thought it would account for how the disease got back in the Brecon area.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


W O T   N O   M O V E M E N T 

MrCHAD has been chatting to the Sundays.

 Having given one of the Sundays full details of a story, which MrCHAD’s contact wrote up in detail and conducted the relevant interviews for – Mr Editor has spiked the story!!!

 MrCHAD says BEWARE this could happen to YOU:

 A farmer was granted a MAFF / DEFRA license to move animals he had bought from a farm in Somerset to his own farm in Wicken – which MrCHAD believes is in Bucks.

 Mr Farmer traveled all the way from his farm to collect his animals in Somerset, he complied with ALL the regulations.

 On arrival in Somerset Mr Farmer was, as planned, met by the Mr Jobsworth of MAFF / DEFRA who supervised the loading etc., Mr Jobsworth escorted Mr Farmer all the way from Somerset to his home counties, F&M free region and onto Mr Farmer’s farm.

The route taken was approved by Mr Jobsworth and he followed on, probably to make sure that none of the animals were turned into Spring Rolls and sold in a Chinese Restaurant!!

 Mr Farmer duly unloaded his animals at his farm and was then handed a ‘D’ Notice by Mr Jobsworth.

 MrCHAD can see NO way that this vindictive and irresponsible action by Mr Jobsworth can be seen as fitting ANY ‘cock-up’ scenario.

 MrCHAD can only draw the conclusion that Mr Jobsworth’s employers the EU and their intermediaries have dreamed up a clever weeeze for spreading F&M – Grant a license for the movement of animals from an area designated by the apparatchiks as F&M danger zone to an area which is F&M FREE and then slap a ‘D’ Notice on the animals on arrival.

 IF this is NOT the case why did Mr Jobsworth’s employers grant the license for movement.

 MrCHAD suggests that ANY farmer granted a movement license finds a way to indemnify himself against such dishonesty on the part of Mr Jobsworth and his employers.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


W O T   G O V E R N M E N T
R I P   O F F 
F U E L   T A X E S ?

MrCHAD thinks that The Government is ripping off the peoples of Britain.

 The Taxes on fuel are NOT Taxes they are extortion to pay for Government folly.

 Fuel is an essential of every day life for those who NEED it and it costs EVERYONE MORE because of the extortionate amount the Government is ripping off on every Gallon.

 The food you buy costs money to deliver and the Government skims a profit from the fuel used thus adding to YOUR food bill.

 Pensioners are ripped off by the government by the Government levying extortionate taxes on fuel to heat and fuel used for deliveries.

 The NHS is a major fuel user and the Government rips off The NHS by extorting money on fuel – wouldn’t you rather that money was spent on Nurses, Doctors & Primary Health.

 Schools are major fuel users, wouldn’t you rather the money ripped off in fuel taxes was spent on EDUCATION, EDUCATION, EDUCATION.

 Police are major fuel users and the budget for solving crime is SLASHED because of the Government tax rip off on fuel.

 The list of people RIPPED OFF by the Government’s extortionate tax on fuel includes EVERY citizen in Britain.

 MrCHAD has found out that The Government rips off the peoples of Britain to the value of approximately 2 MILLION POUNDS AN HOUR on the tax on fuel alone.

 MrCHAD believes that the ONLY way that this Government will listen to the people of Britain is via PROTEST.

 Do YOU want lower fuel tax Rip Off by The Government, are you a pensioner, trucker, farmer, sales rep., office worker, housewife, unemployed, are you a member of society who wants to pay less for food and other goods, have better policing, education, health services?

 There is a way of protesting & MrCHAD does NOT want YOU to break ANY laws or be inconvenienced in ANY way. MrCHAD asks YOU to help bring down fuel prices:


1)                 Put MrCHAD in the back windscreen of your car wherever you go to keep an eye out for rip off fuel prices.


2)                 Show YOU care by joining the ‘Resistance’ support MrCHAD and he will help YOU.


3)                 Boycott Pumps @ British Petroleum


4)                 Buy YOUR fuel at ANY fuel Station other than British Petroleum


5)                 Persuade your friends to Boycott Pumps @ British Petroleum


6)                 Make sure your friends have MrCHAD with them in their vehicles.


7)                 Make sure MrCHAD NEVER Buys Fuel @ British Petroleum


8)                 At other Fuel Stations say ‘MrCHAD wants me to ask the price in Gallons


9)                 Tell ALL The other fuel Stations MrCHAD is supporting them and Boycotting Pumps @ BP


10)             Ask for YOUR receipt in GALLONS


MrCHAD is certain that if YOU Boycott Pumps @ British Petroleum and we ALL stand together and spread the word – NO ONE will have to break any laws, no one will have to picket, no one will be inconvenienced BUT as this starts to tighten and truckers, ambulances, salesmen, police, taxi firms, salesmen, office workers, housewives, farmers and the public in general stand together BP will increasingly feel the pain – even 10percent drop in turnover will start to hurt BP.

 BP’s franchised stations will start to bring pressure on BP, BP will shave their prices to BUY BACK business which MrCHAD will not give in to, with YOUR help. BP will then be forced to go to the Government and the Government will be IMPOTENT to act because NO LAW IS BEING BROKEN.

 WHEN supporters of MrCHAD won’t buy ONE Pint of fuel at BP then BP will lean hard on the Government to reduce the extortionate taxes. BP has MORE muscle with Government than all the individuals in Britain who can be divided and ruled by Government!!

 IF BP fail to force the Government to stop RIPPING OFF The British Peoples then perhaps we shall have to consider extending the boycott to Esso or Shell or Total and MrCHAD suggests that we all steadily tighten the screws on the Government to stop the Government Ripping us Off by extorting money on fuel which is an essential commodity it todays world.

 Support MrCHAD and help MrCHAD to help the people of Britain:

Boycott Pumps @ British Petroleum

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



W O T   B O Y C O T T   B. A

MrCHAD has heard that BRITISH Airways

Are aiming to betray BRITAIN.

 IF B.A. manage to pass a resolution, at their AGM on July 17th., Betraying Britain & the peoples of Britain MrCHAD believes that ALL British people should BOYCOTT B.A. and demand they rebadge, denied the right to use BRITISH in their title.

 BA is asking their share holders to vote on 10 resolutions at their AGM. 9 out of 10 of these resolutions are fair and legitimate decisions on which BA should ask its shareholders to vote however ONE item is NOT a Commercial Decision it is purely POLITICAL.

 MrCHAD has been shown the voting form by an incensed Share Holder and notes that:

 Resolution #9 asks share holders to vote ‘For’ or ‘Against’:

            ‘EU Political Expenditure’.

 It is outrageous in MrCHAD’s opinion that a British National Carrier Airline which inherits the proud tradition and assets of B.O.A.C. should ask its share holders to contribute ONE Pound to supporting the EU which has done Briatin so much damage.

 B.A. is betraying not only the British and Commonwealth soldiers who gave their lives to prevent European Union between 1914 & 1919 AND 1939 & 1946, but also those British citizens who have been crushed and destroyed by the EU and its policies since – Fishermen, Farmers, Miners, Steel Workers, Ship Builders, Motor Manufacturers, Slaughterhouses and 1,000s of small businesses crushed by the increasing burden of crass EU bureaucratic legislation and taxes.

 How can B.A. even contemplate asking their shareholders to contribute to the EU which already costs them 1,800,000 Pounds PER HOUR just for membership of a corrupt organization less than 25percent of the British Peoples wish to participate in.

 MrCHAD believes that if this disgracefull resolution is passed any British citizen using B.A. would be joining in the betrayal and therefore calls on ALL British citizens to act honourably and with integrity and BOYCOTT B.A.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



MrCHAD has read John Harrison’s comments with interest: 

I understand that Maff say there's is no plan to hold a mass cull

anywhere in the country following the general election.

Does that mean that FMD is NOT ENDEMIC  in the wild deer

population, with particular reference to Dartmoor/Exmoor?

That part was not stated in the press statement 

John Harrison Farmer 

MrCHAD has also been listening to spokesmen

for the Government & believes they are

QUITE RIGHT - there are no plans for a mass cull

after the election. 

MrCHAD has EVERY reason, backed by evidence,

To believe that they will have a large scale release

of blood tests which have been done to date but held

back until after the election. 

MrCHAD understands that Blood Labs. Such as Pirbright

Have been going ‘Flat Out’ over the last few weeks.

It is certain that these results have NOT been made public

in anything like the numbers they would seem to have

been being done. 

MrCHAD believe there will be a large release of these

Results immediately after the election. He thinks they may

Well have been held back intentionally to provide deniability

In the run up to the election. 

MrCHAD believe the apparatchiks will then announce that it is

Essential to re-establish Britain’s F&M free status. 

It is probable that the apparatchiks will use terminology like

‘we are removing dangerous infected animals & also

endangered animals, to re-establish Britain’s F&M free status’ 

Which means: “We are culling as many animals as possible

based on flimsy evidence and biased veterinary opinion the

fact that one in the area has signs of a positive antibody,

inspite of the fact that we know that NO test is 100percent

reliable and we will be culling ALL animals in a contiguous

area of (X) miles even though we know that there is little or

no justification or need in veterinary terms”. 

Don’t forget Humpty Dumpty, who claimed that words mean

what he wants them to mean! 

Humpty Dumpty linguistics have been the Government

policy since 1997. 

Removing now means Culling 

Dangerous now means where we have an excuse 

Infected now means possible antibody within the area 

Endangered now means within (X) miles of anything

we can find an excuse to kill on the grounds given above 

MrCHAD does NOT expect the apparatchicks of the EU,

MAFF, The NFU & The Government to use the word

‘CULL’ after the election. 

MrCHAD is certain that MILLIONS more animals will

have their lives terminated needlessly between the

election and October. 

MrCHAD believes that NO amount of clever use of

Words can be allowed to hide the dishonesty and criminal

Behaviour of the mismanagement of F&M which can only,

In the light of the report on the 1967 Outbreak and the

Advice and money available, be considered deliberate

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



M A F F 's    B I G    C H O P P E R

MrCHAD has heard that on Tuesday what

Was believed to be a MAFF ‘Official’ was seen

In the Rochdale area with a big green & yellow


This chopper was seen overflying the farms on the

Edges of the Pennines, near Rochdale,and hovering

over each farm – it continued to snoop until well after

Sunset using beam lighting. 

MrCHAD’s friends the farmers report that they are

Worried now that MAFF are PLANNING an outbreak

Of F&M on one of these farms. 

There has been NO case of F&M in this area to date

And farmers are worried that MAFF might be contriving

To have one, after the election, as any of these farms are

Conterminous with not just contiguous to the moorland

Grazing of the entire length of The Pennines which are

Unfenced thus every farm Conterminous with the moor

Could be culled as contiguous. 

MrCHAD would like any information the walls can deliver! 

It has also come to mind with MrCHAD just how out of

Touch with farmers The NFU, MAFF & The Government


MrCHAD would like to know how many farmers had any

Idea what contiguous meant before these ‘theorists’ and

Apparatchiks dug it up? 

MrCHAD would like to know why they couldn’t talk in

Common English, understood by all, and say NEAR rather

Than ‘Contiguous’. 

Well as far as MrCHAD is concerned he doesn’t mind

Wasting hundreds of MAFF hours as every MAFF official

Tries to find a dictionary to find out what ‘Conterminous’


Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist




MrCHAD has heard from someone who had too much

To drink last night – well he can’t think why else ANYONE

Would get up when MrCHAD had only been in bed for


MrCHAD hears that on Farming Today at 05.45!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning talking about F&M after the election: 

An angry "refute" by MAFF re the cull beginning in earnest. 

In that MAFF have consistently LIED, massaged figures,

Obfuscated the Truth and misled the Public and farmers alike –

MrCHAD suggests you make of this denial what you will –

Based on MAFF’s track record of integrity to date.


Haddock [NFU] complimenting MAFF on their strategy.


This is the fishy little man from the NFU who knew all about

Animals being slaughtered in November and then buried

Secretly; this is the NFU man who has provided proof that The

NFU have known all along that the Government & MAFF

Were telling LIES about F&M and did NOTHING to help

The Farmers he is supposed to represent. 

MrCHAD is not surprised this fishy little man or his Gill

Commander at The NFU would say this about their allies MAFF. 

MAFF stating that they had booked hotel rooms "because

It was sensible in order to beat the summer rush"

MrCHAD compliments MAFF on booking their summer holidays


He is fascinated to know why they are booking 24 rooms in Buxton

In one hotel alone and why they have installed so many extra

Phone sockets if all they are doing is booking early to “beat the

Summer rush”. It is a good job that slaughterers are mostly male

Or they might be accused of using the phones to contact CULLGIRLS  

This might explain the reason why suspected cases of F&M in

Humans have allegedly transpired to be Venereal Disease! 

MrCHAD has been told ALL about this and many

Other places by walls with ears in the areas concerned. 

MrCHAD is also concerned as to why it seems that The

State apparatchiks are trying to turn an airfield in North

Lincolnshire into a replica of Gruyere Cheese with huge holes?

MrCHAD, mindfull of the Government’s bizarre tastes in art,

Does not believe this is an entry for The Turner Prize but is

More burial pits for the CULL his Army friends have informed

Him of in the pub – PLANNED for July after the Swaledale

Spree of Murdering Animals For Fun due this month. 

MrCHAD can not of course PROOVE this because all too often

Hotels, burn timber suppliers, contractors, slaughtermen, printers

And the like will not put their name to the report – sometimes

Because they are making too much money out of their F&M jobs

And sometimes because they STILL haven’t been paid for work

Already done. 

MrCHAD is surprised that since a major complaint of farmers

Was that they could not get on with farming because of all the

Paper work they were buried in, before the policy of Murdering

Animals For Fun was introduced – now there is a dirth of paper

Which might prove one way or the other the enormity of the

Government, MAFF & The NFU’s lies – ODD that, if not ‘very fishy’.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


W O T   M O R E   M A F F A C R E S

MrCHAD hears of more more PLANNED 

MAFFacres. MAFF have plans to 

Murder Animals For Fun and needlessly 

Intend to slaughter more animals and are 

setting up ready to MAFFacre  animals 

in and around Macclesfield & Buxton 

MAFF have ordered MORE phone lines 

For their use in Buxton and reports from  

30 – 50 new lines have been heard by 


To show YOU support the Farmers and 

Britain keep an eye on the dishonesty of 

What is being done to destroy Britain by 

MAFF, NFU, OUR Government and 

The EU take MrCHAD with you in the 

Back window of YOUR vehicle.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


S M E L L S     F I S H Y

MrCHAD has been hearing about Gills 

& Haddock and finds it ALL smells fishy. 

An NFU delegate from the West Country  

Mr. Haddock, who is not only well known as 

The past Devon NFU Chairman but also 

Fought his fishy friend Gill for leadership, 

Revealed much in a meeting overheard 

By MrCHAD’s ears in the wall.  

When asked about F&M being in Britain 

Before Feb. 19th. CONFIRMED that 

At least one herd was slaughtered and 

Buried in the West Country. Haddock 

Tapped his nose and CONFIRMED these 

Animals HAD been slaughtered and buried 


Haddock thereby CONFIRMED that The NFU 

Knew about F&M in the West Country and of 

The SLAUGHTER of animals and their burial 


MrCHAD is proud of the British patriotic 

IndividualS who have agreed to stand in Court 

And confirm this very Fishy Official Conversation. 

MrCHAD believes that this is PROOF positive 

Of F&M in November and PROOF positive that 

The NFU, MAFF & The Government HAVE lied 

About F&M and their knowledge of it. 

F&M is ONLY a symptom The Disease is 

Political and emanates from The EU & The NWO 

Spread and capitalized on by The NFU, MAFF & 

The Government at the expense of Farmers, the 

British peoples and Britain. 

MrCHAD believes traitors should be put on Trial 


Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



M A F F    O F F

MrCHAD loves to hear of WINNERS 

MrCHAD’s friends at Town Mills Farm 

Have made MAFF GO AWAY !!! 

MAFF have been told by the Police 

They may NOT come to the farm again  

without Police and the Police have given  

an undertaking that they will give our 

side and the truth adequate warning if they  

come again. 

MrCHAD’s friends have ACHIEVED the 

Best result they could hope for. 

Well done Judy Carless & John Gouriet 

And all the others who made it to help 

Town Mills Farm.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist




MAFF have arrived – unannounced to 

KILL Murdering Animals For Fun again. 

Town Mills Farm, Knowstone, DEVON

Near South Moulton. 

PLEASE try to get there to help 

Judy Carless mobile 07866 – 785 895&

John Gourier mobile 07831 – 342 909

Are there NOW 

The owner of the farm is 77 years old and

Is being bullied & blackmailed by MAFF 

One wonders which MAFF prefer is it

Needlessly massacring animals or threatening

& intimidating honest hard working country folk? 

20 days ago you will recall MAFF made such a total

cock-up of MAFFacring a herd of Limasol Cattle

that they ran all over Devon with MAFF officials

playing cowboys shooting at them for fun. 

These cattle were driven onto one of Town Mills

Farm’s fields. 

Blood tests were taken of ALL the cattle on the

Farm but 56 sheep were instantly MAFFacred. 

This incident was TOTALLY MAFF’s fault. 

MAFF CLAIM that one test came back positive

But the cattle have been checked every two days

By the local vet for 20 days and these magnificent

Freisian cattle are currently without ANY signs of F&M

And are unaware of the horrors impending as they

are quietly grazing near by. 

MAFF we KNOW have frequently LIED and yet again

There is NO EVIDENCE to believe them. 

IF MAFF are allowed to get their ‘jollies’ by killing

These cattle 5 more farms will be MAFFacred for

MAFF’s pleasure as contiguous immediately. 

Currently Judy, John and a couple of others have

Refused to let MAFF onto the farm – PLEASE try

to get there and help MrCHAD and the others. 


Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


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