The Slumbering Giant.

EU genocide
Democracy, Dictatorship, Fuel Prices
The rip off government led by phony Blair
Save the World - What World?
Taxation justice...

Campaign against high Petrol duty

The Slumbering Giant.

Forget King Arthur emerging from the past to defeat those who would deliver these islands into an irreversible euro-bondage.
Sir Francis Drakes's drum will not sound as more and more of our ancient constitution is sold for the sake of political expediency and the feathering of nests.
Lord Nelson and Wellington will remain silent in their tombs as with cunning and stealth our politicians achieve what was beyond the Armada, The Vatican, Napoleon and Hitler.
As an ex-serviceman my gut instinct is to fight. And I mean FIGHT but who do we target? I have seen first hand the effects of a guerrilla war in Ireland and it is not an edifying or uplifting thing to witness. The people of these islands would be put under great risk from Brussels were direct action to be carried out. Imagine the scenario.
Blair's Government win their much sought after 2nd term of office and make all the right noises to us concerning a referendum on the submission of the pound and our Parliamentary Sovereignty. In the meantime more and more euro legislation is drip fed into the machine of government and the British people at last begin to realise that this is our last chance to pull the euro plug from its socket.
Outbreaks of civil unrest occur and as our reluctant police forces recognise the validity and scale of the protests Europol sends in reinforcements to "Protect the Rule of Law".....European Law...
The sight of foreign paramilitary police on our streets would be too much for a sizeable portion of our people. The result would be carnage. I do not want us to reach this nightmare scenario. Let us organise NOW to ensure that any future government tears up the illegal treaties with Brussels and puts it's faith in the British people and their ability to democratically rule themselves.
Of course , the scenario I have outlined above could never happen here could it?
Keep the Pound.
Mick Staniforth. 


EU genocide

These people are either insane and need to see a psychiatrist, or they are truly evil.
And note the cynical way they proclaim that they will use propaganda against the indigenous population to persuade them to accept their own destruction. 
Has everyone forgotten what babies are?
The entire EU political class should be swept away (how?).  What is the most suitable punishment for them?
"  Europe 'should accept' 75m new migrants
Special report: refugees in Britain
Ian Black in Brussels
Friday July 28, 2000
The Guardian

The European Union could admit up to 75m immigrants over the next half-century and must be prepared to become a racially hybrid society, according to a paper drawn up by France.

Jean-Pierre Chevènement, the French interior minister, produced the document for a meeting of EU ministers in Marseille today. Citizens of the EU should be told, the paper says, that Europe will become an area of "cross-fertilisation" ( métissage ).

Diplomats expressed surprise at the blunt language of the text, which avoids any suspicion of Anglo-Saxon political correctness to argue that with declining fertility and birthrates, the issue of legal immigration into the EU must be tackled.

Mr Chevènement, an often outspoken nationalist, created controversy recently when he accused Germany of not having overcome its Nazi past.

"Public opinion must be told clearly that Europe, a land of immigration, will become a place where cross-fertilisation occurs," says the document. Métissage also translates as cross-breeding.

"Public opinion needs to be enlightened and convinced, and more so in countries of recent immigration than others."

But it adds: "To allow access is not to renounce all forms of control. Ensuring cross-fertilisation requires a careful and controlling hand, in immigration terms."

Mr Chevènement is in effect issuing a wake-up call to governments to consider resuming what demographers call "primary migration", encouraging the entry of economic job hunters who intend to stay and bring their families.

But the French minister anticipated that "a reasonable policy of integration" that brought in 50m to 75m immigrants by 2050 would leave unchanged "the percentage of the population of non-European origin".

Jack Straw, Britain's home secretary, is among those attending today's Marseille meeting, organised by France in its role as holder of the EU's rotating presidency. Illegal immigration is one of the topics.

"We need to look imaginatively at how to meet the legal desire for immigration," said a Home Office official in London last night.

But the unvarnished French analysis could fuel anti-EU sentiment in Britain, where the government has pledged to keep border controls and crack down on those it deems false asylum-seekers.

And across the continent, immigration has fuelled anti-foreigner sentiment in a range of countries including Germany, Sweden and Spain. In Austria the issue has been exploited by the far-right Freedom party led by Jörg Haider.

Fears are widespread of a new influx from Poland and Hungary once they join the EU in coming years.

Immigration is an increasing preoccupation for Brussels, but decisions are still made by member states, not the European Commission.

The French document is based partly on a recent survey by the UN Population Division. That said the population of the 15 EU countries and countries currently bidding for membership would fall in the next 50 years from 729m to 628m while the world's population would grow from 6bn to 9bn.

Immigrants, mostly from developing countries, would be needed to fill the vacuum, the UN report argued. Germany recently illustrated one approach to the problem, calling for the immigration of 20,000 IT specialists from India.

Ireland, whose economy is booming, is considering importing some 200,000 skilled workers over seven years.  "

H. Wake 


Democracy, Dictatorship, Fuel Prices

I've been at home all day today because I don't have the petrol to get to work.  This is not a problem.  I support the efforts of the hauliers and farmers wholeheartedly.

I've seen many discussions and chat shows today concerning the petrol price dispute.

One thing that struck me from many of the politician's views on both sides was that democracy is about voting every five years to express our views.  Tony Blair's standpoint enforced this view with his refusal to discuss the problem and a standpoint of not backing down.

I have come to the conclusion that the UK is only a democracy when the politicians want you to vote.  They see the remaining four years of each government's term as their own personal dictatorship.

Beverley Collinson


 The rip off government led by phony blair

 Why don't we send a postcard to phony Blair, c/o 10 Downing st stating that we
will not vote labour again. if all motorists, all 22 million of us send a
post card it will block up 10 downing st and explain to new labour that they
will lose the next election. that will put fear into them. unless fuel taxes
go to 30 pence per litre we will vote for our own prime minister, Jeremy
Clarkson. if all motorists give the motorists party £10 we will have more
money than the labour party.

Save the World - What World?

I do not know why we bother, we are doomed anyway! Not too pessimistic a
response to the EU I hope!

If we are sane then by definition the rest must be insane. Do not ask me
to explain, since by EU conventions I do not need to. I am my own
propaganda machine.

The EUphiles may eventually preside over one world as they are the ones
who have a lot of the resources of the world at their disposal. They might
survive the hard times ahead. Morbidity and mortality rates will increase globally
over the next few decades. The stark facts are out there on the internet.
Pollution of the Earth was started a long time ago when MAN first developed tools.
Today the impact of that is destroying the Earth and its ability to provide a home
to all life. The Ozone layer which protects us from harmful gamma radiation has

recently disappeared over the tip of South Africa. It is non existent
over Antarctica. How long will it be before vast numbers of us begin to die
from sunburn? Ever been on holiday and seen someone looking like a Lobster
being cooked in a pot of boiling water, all pink and red. You probably thought
- I bet that's sore or something like it anyway, maybe you just thought PRAT! Who
Well, he may eventually get Cancer he may not. Its obvious he is putting
himself a risk. However without the ozone layer just stepping outside would
increase the risk for us all. There would not be a visible sign that we had damaged
our skin, just at some point down the road the appearance of those little black

Who is responsible for this? Why its those organisations which seem to
be wanting a one world government? Surprise Surprise! A case of I'm alright
Jack, perhaps! But never forget that we put them there in the first place.

(And mad cows, sheep, pigs and chickens will make vegetarians of us all

All of Europe is contaminated by Brussels. All of the EU is consumed by
greed not concern. We as a diverse people need to look deep within ourselves
to find a solution to our problems which can be undertaken by everyone. Before we
can save the world we need to save ourselves. A bit over the top maybe but true
all the same since we do not want the government trying to do the saving on our
behalf, we won't last long if they get their way.

We especially need to save ourselves from Politicians with no sense of

We need to save ourselves from lies and untruths. We need to establish
fact from fiction. When we begin to do all these things and more we will make a
start on the journey to prosperity for all. Britain will become what we most
desire. A place to raise ourselves above the mire that is the world today. Britain
will be respected for itself, its people and its prosperity. We must lead by
example and the rest of the world will follow. It will have no choice.

The language of the world is British, the language of technology is
British, the freedom of the world depends on the British. We British must lead the
world into a new era. Not a One World but a world of which we can all be proud to
call our home.

New Labour are blind to the possibilities. Fidel Castro realised that
the way to survive in the face of sanctions was to develop science, technology and
medicine. These industries would eventually open Cuba up to the world.
To a degree this is now happening as the world wakes up to the advances in
medicine the Cubans have made. Only if New Labour would invest in science instead
of the Dome, then the advances we could make would have the world knocking on
our door.

At the moment you get better medical care in France than in Britain.
This is galling, but also a sad fact that we have learned nothing from Europe in
recent years. Except perhaps how to organise blockades! Why should we not
learn. We should explore all means to lead us into a new renaissance. Not as part
of some large amoeba but as a single organism whose vitality is indisputable.

If you are interested in ozone rather than EU political hot air from our
man Tony in the Exec Toilet that is Downing Street please read on:

Extracted from the excellent tiempo web site. Worth a look sometime if
you are interested.

Tiempo Quote As Follows

The ozone layer is at threat because of releases of ozone-depleting
compounds such as the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons. Destruction of the
ozone layer results in an increase in the amount of harmful ultraviolet
radiation reaching the Earth's surface. Consequent health effects include skin
cancer and damage to crops and ecosystems is likely.

The Montreal Protocol was agreed in 1987, following the adoption of the
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer in 1985. If fully
implemented, the targets set by the Protocol and later amendments should result in
recovery of the ozone layer by the second half of the 21st century.

The new report, the Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion - 1998,
represents the conclusions of over 200 scientists and confirms the effectiveness of
the Montreal Protocol and subsequent amendments.

The 1998 report observes that:

the combined total loading of ozone-depleting substances in the lower
atmosphere reached a maximum in 1994 and is now decreasing;
over northern polar latitudes, six out of the last nine boreal winter-spring
seasons have seen ozone declines of 25 to 30 per cent below the 1960s
baseline; and, over the Antarctic, ozone losses in recent years have usually exceeded
50 per cent during September and October.

Without the Montreal Protocol and later amendments, the ozone decline
would have been much stronger and would have continued for far longer. Even so, the
ozone layer may not begin to recover until the year 2020.

There is concern that the illicit market in banned substances may erode
the future success of the Protocol. The treaty permits a later phase-out of
CFCs and halons in the developing world, and some nations such as Russia have not
honoured earlier phase-out dates, so there is a remaining supply that
can be smuggled into the industrialized world.

The Environmental Investigation Agency, based in London and Washington,
reports that CFCs and halons produced in Russia, India and China are being
supplied to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and other European
countries where demand is still high. Developing nations are obliged to freeze
production levels in July 1999 but that deadline may not be met by some of the major

The British Antarctic Survey reports that ozone depletion has reached
record levels during the southern winter of 1998.

To make a start on knocking some sense into politics do not entangle us
further in EURO legislation lets make some of our own, we are good at

Cheers for now



 Taxation justice...
 In the UK, the state taxes and spends about 40% of national wealth. For each
£100 you earn, the state takes and spends £40 of it. Surely it's time we can
be trusted to spend a bit more of our own money! Central government is fond
of rate-capping local authorities, well, its now time for the people to
rate-cap their own government, if necessary by constitutional reform. The
tax take in the UK should be capped at 25-30% and retailers should show
clearly the net price of goods plus tax eg. your £40 tank of petrol would be
£8 plus £32 tax.

Where certain groups of people are concerned the state has become greedy in
the UK and this has lead to extreme situations. This is rather like special
forms of poll tax being imposed on different groups. Examples of extreme tax
greed are :

In every £10 we spend on vehicle fuel £8 is tax and, of the £8 taken, only
£2 of it is spent on roads or local public transport. (We're not sure where
the missing £6 has gone but we know it wont be spent on transport). The
missing £6 actually translates to around £20 Billion ; that's a lot of local
bus services, for example, or that's a lot of subsidies for electric
vehicles,another. If this cash went on public transport we would have the
best system in the world - when the London tube system was built it was the
best in the world at the time. The money to pay for that was clearly not

Smokers account for one in ten of the people who use the NHS. Yet, Tobacco
taxes now pay for a full one quarter of NHS spending. Of course the argument
is to deter smoking - no one would argue with that, but how much of the
money taken is then spent on deterring smoking through education, or
subsidised nicotine patches, for example ? Today, many smokers come from
lower income groups. How fair is it that these people should be taxed so
highly and have so little spent on them to help them quit ? By the way ; a
quarter of NHS spending is a great deal of money.

Some find it hard to believe that the elderly are often forced by local
authorities to sell their homes to pay for residential care. This really
DOES happen to those who have often worked and paid national insurance all
their lives. Last year an elderly lady called a well-known radio show on the
subject of saving for old age, her advice to young people was "don't
bother". Is this really what we want ?

In terms of the quality of public service broadcasting, Channel 4 often does
what the BBC should be doing and Channel 4 does'nt get any of the license
fee. How much longer can the BBC justify the absurd licence fee ? Also
broadcasting licenses are awarded to the highest bidder. Where does this
money go ?- it should be put back into the industry, for example it could be
used to fund training for broadcasting people - journalists, producers etc
etc ie. the proceeds could fund a national college for broadcasting.

The millennium dome is such an obvious and spectacular waste of cash taken
away from good lottery causes - little more needs to be said about it.

If you know example of unjust or divisive taxation - where the state is
going well beyond its reasonable powers to get money off vulnerable groups
of people. Please send us the details or forward this text to your friends.
Because of our apathy HM treasury is literally getting away with murder.
Next year it could be an elderly person you care about who dies prematurely
or unnecessarily due to the government undermining their dignity by punitive
and evil tax regimes.  This leads to enormous stress and anxiety to frail
people.  An old-age pension was and never should be another form of income

Clive Hogan 


 Campaign against high Petrol duty

 The answer to global warming is not higher fuel tax. Compulsory school buses could keep a million mums off the roads twice per day at rush hours.   A requirement for electric or duel-fuel cars in urban areas within (say) 10 to 15 years would be a better strategy than pricing motorists off the roads altogether.   It is absolute nonsense to even contemplate taking away the freedom of mobility of our modern society, and restricting people to public transport.
 I support the farmers and hauliers protest 100%.   The one thing the French can teach us is how to get the government to take notice, and we must learn to be as effective as they are.   Sadly, this protest has also shown that, no matter how worthy the cause, it is the people who suffer most, not the government.   It is not Blair, Brown or Prescott who had to go without petrol last week.

A much more effective protest would be for all motorists to with-hold their car tax when it becomes due on 1st October.   A few £million drop in revenue each month would be very embarrassing for Gordon Brown, and provide a good position from which to negotiate, particularly if the workers at the DVLC could be persuaded to support the protest.   If there is no substantial reduction of petrol duty in the November budget statement, motorists could continue to with-hold car tax and force New Labour to resign.

Ken H.
