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             Free Trade 

  Dear All
  I agree that the public has been so brainwashed into believing that we are dependent on exports to "Europe" that it is wise to say that we would secure "free trade" with it. In fact, this trade is detrimental to us, with a huge trade deficit.

 Just saying "a free trade deal" we avoid the fatal mistake of joining the EEA, whose Treaty is thicker than the Treaty of Rome, complete with amendments. Involvement in the EEA means accepting Brussels supervision over our production of numerous commodities.

 So a "free trade deal" simply means saying to the EU "We will not tax your goods if you do not tax ours. We accept that our exports to you must conform to your standards. Your exports to us must conform to our standards". That is real free trade.

 Most important that we do not talk about joining the EEA, which is halfway to membership.

 It is possible that Brussels will reject a real free trade deal. That would be fine. We impose tariffs about equivalent to the Common External Tariff on EU imports. That would give us enormous advantages. Getting rid of the CAP would allow us to return to the rational pattern of agriculture adopted after tractor farming came to what were then called "the Dominions" and the USA. We ceased growing wheat, for which only Lincolnshire is even remotely
suitable, and, even in Britains driest county, we cannot compare with the vast prairies of more favoured countries. Our farmers witched to keeping much larger herds and flocks of animals and birds, kept in open fields and their diet supplemented with cheap imported fodder. We made our bread from superb imported wheat. MAFF has finally admitted that we are deficient in the important element, selenium, which is a preventative of cancer. Canadian soil is rich in selenium.

 This style of agriculture resulted in most of Britain being under grass,
 providing green fields for our people's recreation. The animals enjoyed natural lives, not the horror of cruel concrete pens.

 This wise policy may well have saved the world from Nazi barbarism. More people can be fed on cereals than on meat, so we ploughed up the meadows. Because they were well rested and richly manured with animal and poultry excreta, they produce quite good crops. In wartime, under blockade, there is no artificial fertiliser available. If we had followed CAP-style policies, we should have been starved into submission.

 British farmers do not need subsidies if they confine themselves to things for which their soil and climate are suitable. We produce excellent vegetables, temperate fruits and meat and dairy produce. We should stop ploughing up hillsides, driving the sheep up to the upper slopes, where they over-crop and accelerate erosion. The lack of natural humus, which binds the soil together, provided by rotten crew-yard straw, is resulting, according to Sir Richard Body MP, in the loss of millions of tons of  topsoil every year, and if continued, will turn our islands into deserts. Sir Richards book "Our Food Our Land" provides superb information on this crucial issue, as well as the barbarity of EU policy towards the poor farmers of the world.

 The Common Fisheries Policy is an ugly sister of the CAP. See our web site  http://www.savebritfish.demon.co.uk We would again have the cheapest food in Europe, an advantage we have enjoyed since the repeal of the Corn Laws. The price and rent of land would  plummet. Both these would sharply reduce our industrial costs. We could
 allow the Pound to find its natural level. Soon, the Germans would be
 screaming about British import penetration. By returning to world trade, we should sharply reduce our unemployment. There are great possibilities in rebuilding the former Soviet Union. Unlike the British, the Russians have long memories, and will prefer to trade with their wartime allies to trade with those whose troops looted and raped and murdered across their land.
  We have unique connections to the enormous Chinese market.

 This picture of the immense advantages of freedom should be presented. The best slogan of the Referendum was that of the Communist Party "Quit the Market, join the world".

 Warmest regards
 Eric Clements
